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African Sacred Science: What Does It Mean To Be Black?
​"You cannot change the actions of a people until you change the images of a people." (John H. Johnson)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, viewing this DVD is like digesting a 100,000 page book!  The images Chike Akua shares in this presentation visually document the African origins of the scientific science and technology, architecture, engineering, agriculture, astronomy, and medicine, and much, much more
•Did ancient African people write about and practice the scientific
method and advanced medicine?     
•Did African people create some of the world’s most magnificent  
architectural feats?
•How did ancient Africans align their temples and other structures  to star systems that NASA only recently discovered?
•What African and African American scientists, doctors, and researchers are carrying on this legacy of excellence and achievement?


The Black History Power Pak contains seven of Chike's Akua's books, plus two DVDs, and two BONUS CDs.  Increase student achievement, character development, and cultural awareness all at the same time. 

Majesty of the Moors Part 2: The Magnitude of Their Mastery

If you saw "Majesty of the Moors, Part I," you'll agree, this may be one of the quietest kept secrets about Black history and culture.  Simply put, you cannot fully understand European or American culture and advancement without understanding The Majesty of the Moors.

 In Part 2, Chike Akua clearly demonstrates the connection between African innovations and current western technology.  


The Platinum Black History Power Pak contains 30 posters, 9 books, plus 7 DVDs, and 3 BONUS CDs.  This is, hands-down, the ULTIMATE Black History multimedia Library!  

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Increase and improve STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, character development, and cultural awareness.  Get your Educators Power Pak today!  It contains a copy of each of 
Dr. Akua's books PLUS two DVDs!

Wonders of West Africa

At a time when far too many people of African descent have forgotten their greatness and power, the West African Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhoy provide both instruction and inspiration to Black people and the world.  

This presentation examines the rich history of West Africa and our connection to it.  It examines the tremendous legacy of African reading and writing, language, literature, and leadership, agriculture and economics, science and technology from West African Empires.  

This DVD is an indespensible resource in helping to document the contributions and accomplishments of African people to history and humanity.

Majesty of the Moors: African Influence In Early Europe

For over 800 years, beginning in 711 A.D., the Moors of North Africa
occupied Spain.  They built thousands of mills, paved, lamp lit streets,  a free public education system, seventeen universities, aqueducts, astronomical observatories and much, much more.  

The research literature demonstrates that the literature, science, technology, and innovation of the Moors brought Europe out of the Dark Ages.  

This DVD gives visual evidence and citations from scholarly works to document the incredible contributions and accomplishments of the Moors.